About Me

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I'm a SAHM who began writing, and not just thinking about it, in 2010. I thought graphic design was my future, but was surprised to learn that screenwriting was in my blood. I'm excited to say my first feature length is now being considered for optioning. Life's crazy sometimes, huh? :-)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Movies--The Great Stress Reliever

Before I start my blog post today, I want to dedicate this post to my uncle "Memo", William Guzman Ramirez. He passed away, August 25, 2012. May he rest in peace with my mom.

With this in mind-- during my time of sadness-- I want to talk about things that have brought me peace. Books and TV have always been important--for stress--but I think movies have always been the great stress reliever-- for me.

But, today--I will not talk about the actual movies I've seen, but instead I want to help promote some of my friends who are making that magic--the movies that have been so important to me. My friends--below-- are the producers of upcoming indie or short films. It is great producers, like my friends, who have brought me such happiness, in the form of movies, and to them and producers of many films--since my love of movies began-- I want to say a BIG thank you!

My friend, Producer, Director Jason C. Bair has a wonderful film about decisions, and just what decisions would one make in life. They're currently raising capital to begin producing their movie at: www.decisionsthefilm.com. Or to donate visit www.Indiegogo.com.

My  friend Producer, Screenwriter Jeremy Wechter  is also in the pre-production/fund raising stage for his micro-budget horror movie, "Evil Alive". You can find out more about this great movie at: https://www.facebook.com/EvilAliveMovie 

And last, today, I want to give a shout out to my friends Producer, Directors David August and Tanner L. Richards. Their short film: Extreme Golf  http://youtu.be/pBTS_95O14o will be in the Flappers Funny Film Festival on October 7, at 9:00 p.m. in Los Angeles, CA. More info can be found at:http://davaug.com/xgolffest  Congratulations, you guys!

So let's give support to those that make great movies. That wonderful form of entertainment that's such a special and important part of our lives.

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