About Me

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I'm a SAHM who began writing, and not just thinking about it, in 2010. I thought graphic design was my future, but was surprised to learn that screenwriting was in my blood. I'm excited to say my first feature length is now being considered for optioning. Life's crazy sometimes, huh? :-)

Thursday, December 23, 2010


I looked at the land beside me today and thought about all the changes that had come about in the twenty-four years since I've lived here.  Change snuck up on me while my eyes were closed- it seemed.  I'd spent so much time working, dating, living, that at first, I didn't even notice the changes that were coming about.

A few years back when my aunt died I thought it's okay my uncle will take care of the land that has been in our family for as long as I can remember.  Then my uncle passed away and now the land has lain dormant-in it's for sale phase- waiting for a buyer to see the magic that I already see.

I have many memories of this land.  Years ago my mom, brother and I planted rows and rows of vegetables there.  How I dreaded that.  Morning glories, -fiends from flower weed ville- dominated much of our weed pulling time.  My mom did not mind the weeds and happily tended the garden.  I, on the other hand looked at the weeds with dread, for it was hot, dusty work that took hours to do.

The years go by- and I get married-and we again move to the land where I had spent the first eight years of my childhood.  Marriages-for me-come and go but the land remained a good friend.  One that waited quietly at my side -until needed.  Comfort food, hot chocolate for my soul. 

Eventually housing developments come to our neighborhood.  My "country living" with all the peace I'd ever known, became the new hot spot for people moving into the area.  Joggers become the norm.  Strangers I don't know, bike or walk up and down our road.  The road where I rode my bike, raced up and down to get to and come home from work, walked down to the graveyard to visit my twin brother was now a road filled with constant traffic and strangers.

I still see the land,as it used to be, with rose colored glasses, and I guess nothing can change that.  I see the turkey's and chickens we once had.  I see the kids my mom babysat.  I see the tree house where my brother and I played restaurant-using pine cones, and old food, we found, in a tree house my dad built years ago.  And I'm still hurrying to do dishes, so long ago, so that I can watch One Life To Live with mom.

I hold my breath and then let it out.  I cannot stop change which is coming like a runaway locomotive but I can now be at peace with change.  If I close my eyes I can still hear my mom calling to my brother and I.  If I close my eyes I can hear the ghosts"of all my past pets" barking joyously at me when I came home at the end of the day.  Yes change is here to stay.  The land around me will never be the same.  But if I close my eyes and think.....I can see again the way it used to be, and nothing can take that away.  Nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Here in rural Florida change has also snuck up on us. What was once a road with now houses sports several and most of the people we pass on our road are not strangers instead of neighbors we have known for years. Coming from the city I'm used to change, but as the area develops behind us I can look toward the east and see the unchanging landscape of a federally protected wetland. I sometimes feel caught between the old and the new.

    Great post, full of wonderful memories. Really enjoyed it!
