About Me

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I'm a SAHM who began writing, and not just thinking about it, in 2010. I thought graphic design was my future, but was surprised to learn that screenwriting was in my blood. I'm excited to say my first feature length is now being considered for optioning. Life's crazy sometimes, huh? :-)

Friday, December 31, 2010

Dedicate this to..

Day blends into night, night into day. The color is drained from all things around us.  Nothing matters.  Nothing.  What is this that is so debilitating that we can hardly function?  It is the devastating loss of a loved one.  Nothing can replace that loved one and nothing ever will.  So I know others-such as myself- have felt and will feel this loss for years to come.

But I know that the holidays will be the hardest for us to face in the months and years go come.  As this holiday blindsided me with pain I thought of others such as myself that are feeling the pain of the Christmas season.  I dedicate this blog today to you all.  May you know that you are not alone.  May we all bond in this common thing-the loss of our loved ones-today.

I dedicate this blog today-this Christmas holiday season-to the memory of my mom and to all of you who are dealing with the pain of the loss of your loved ones too.

May we not feel so bereaved today, may we feel the bond of others who share the loss of pain too.

On this day we are not alone.  On this day let us gather together-united as one.

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